What did Clark do before photography?
A: He was working at a botanical garden. He loved surfing at the shore break, and got interested in photography.
What do you like about his work?
A: His patience and hard work towards his shots is extraordinary. His pictures seem to capture the moment perfectly, and his subjects are always in interesting positions.
What do you not like about his work?
A: I feel like it's extremely risky because of the weight of the water and the kinds of positions he gets in are dangerous. Handling relatively high-power electronic equipment like flashes under water can b extremely risky.
What brand of camera does he use and how does he take it into the water?
A: He uses Nikon cameras. He takes them in the water by putting them in a special waterproof case.
Is this a career that you would consider, why/why not?
A: I would love to try such an activity, but I don't think I could make it a career. I have a strong passion for photography, but I'm not physically and mentally strong enough to endure wave after wave crashing down upon me just for that one perfect shot. It's also extremely dangerous, so I would not do this regularly.
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