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Showing posts from August, 2019

Selection tools, Transform and Layer Masks

Masks are useful, aren't they? Extra credit photo:

Crop/CA Fill

Removed cape Square 1:1 5:7 Horizontal

Selfie post

To me, a selfie is a way to tell people where you are/were, how you're feeling and who you're with.

Elements of Art

The Elements of Art: Line: The path of a moving point. Shape: A closed line, geometric or organic, expressing length and width. Form: A 3-dimentional shape expressing length, width and depth. Color: Reflected light causes the sensation of color in our brain. It has three characteristics: Hue, Value and Intensity. Value: The lightness or darkness of a hue. Space: The area between and around objects. Texture: The surface quality that can be seen or felt.