Part 1:
- Did you use the rule of thirds? What did you emphasize, land or sky?
- Yes, I tried to emphasize the sky.
- What principles of design did you use and how?
- Emphasis: Emphasized the clouds.
Repetition: The parked cars repeat
Variety: The cars, truck, houses, poles, and fence create variety.
- What time of day was your image taken? Was it a good time to shoot or not?
- This image was taken at 9:30 AM. It was a good time to shoot because of the pretty sky.
- How did you use the foreground - background relationship?
- The cars in the foreground work nicely with the houses and sky in the background.
- Did you use the rule of thirds? What did you emphasize, land or sky?
- Yes, I tried to emphasize the land.
- What principles of design did you use and how?
- Emphasis: I emphasized the tree.
Balance: The tree is roughly symmetrical.
- What time of day was your image taken? Was it a good time to shoot or not?
- The image was taken at 9:30 AM. It was a good time to shoot because of the even lighting in this particular location.
- How did you use the foreground - background relationship?
- The tree and the boys in the foreground are the emphasis while the sky makes the background look nice.
- Did you use the rule of thirds? What did you emphasize, land or sky?
- Yes, I tried to emphasize the sky.
- What principles of design did you use and how?
- Emphasis: Emphasized the clouds.
Repetition: The parked cars and solar panels repeat.
Rhythm: The repetition of the solar panels is quite rhythmic.
- What time of day was your image taken? Was it a good time to shoot or not?
- This was shot at about 9:40 AM. The lighting was not great because it was hard to expose both the sky and land well. I had to merge the photos with an HDR preset to make it work.
- How did you use the foreground - background relationship?
- The rhythmic cars and panels catch the light of the sun and lead the eyes toward the sky in the background.
Part 2:
Part 3:
Channel Mixer:
Gradient Map:
Lab Color:
- Which method do you think produced the best results for you?
- I think the gradient map produces the best results.
- Did you achieve a large value range for each image?
- Yes.
Part 4:
Adjustment layer: A layer that allows us to non-destructively edit the hue, saturation, white balance, and many other aspects of the image.
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