Writing with light: Creating with light: Orbs/Streaks: Painting with light: Face/Ghosted Images: Questions: 1. The lower the f-stop what happens? A: The lower the f-stop, the brighter the image, but it lowers the depth of field. 2. The higher the f-stop, what happens? A: The higher the f-stop, the darker the image, but the DOF is increased meaning distant and close objects are in focus. 3. The shorter the exposure, what happens? A: The shorter the exposure, the darker the image. Shorter exposures freeze motion making light painting difficult. 4. The longer the exposure what happens? A: The longer the exposure, the brighter the image. Longer exposures do not freeze motion, making them ideal for light painting. 5. What worked well? A. For most purposes, a high f-stop (f/8 to f/13), a long exposure (>10s), and a high ISO ( 800 or 1600) worked well for most of these assignments. 6. What was...