1. Emphasis, Texture, Crop. Picture of a flower on school campus, cropped to size. 2. Variety, Space, Layer mask Picture I took on vacation, added a stock photo of a boat via layer mask. 3. Pattern, Color, Layer mask Layer masked some bugs into a picture of flowers in the school campus. 4. Unity, Texture, Crop Some wet leaves, cropped. Questions: 1. What is your favorite composition and why? A: Gotta be the flower. Great lighting and texture. 2. What is your least favorite composition and why? A: The wet leaves. The emphasis and texture are great but the out of focus elements look super harsh and distracting. 3. What is one thing you wish you did better? A: I wish I'd known how to adjust exposure, contrast etc. for individual layers. Some of these would've come out better then. 4. What is one thing you wish you knew how to do, but don't yet, that could've helped your composition? A: I wish I knew...